Sunday, August 14, 2016

When is enough, ENOUGH?
That is the question for the day. I was looking back on my homeschool journey and realized I often thought I was not doing enough. I always wanted my children to have the best education I could give them. I never wanted anything I did or didn't do to hold them back in life. I really never wanted to them to say " if  I only had a better education I could have..." So I made it my mission to educate at all times. I found homeschooling became a way of life not just a school choice. During my early years of homeschooling I had set hours for school time.As years passed I realized life happens and this changed things drastically.  Some days we started at 8 am and others at 2pm. I also embraced teaching them all throughout the day. School did not end when we completed our curriculum. I would look for doors to open to share insight in other things. Let me give you some examples...  I would teach my children how to cook when it was time for dinner or a treat . I found that when we would pass a historical site or when we would watch a documentary this opened the door for discussion. When someone talked about them or me or did something they thought was wrong, this was a great time to teach about how to forgive and how we should handle these kind of  situations. It was also a great time to discuss how to handle things if we were in that same position as the person who upset them. Life situations are the best time to prepare children for the future. So I guess my answer is... it is never enough. Always look for open doors to teach your children all that you can. They are only with you for a season and then they are gone into the world to accomplish great things. 

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