Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Well, another year has come and gone..... here I sit thinking about all of the changes that have occurred. First of all, my eldest child has graduated college with 2 majors and 2 minors. Both of the girls are now in Europe for 5 weeks. They both received scholarships to be able to go there. Group has ended and now summer has begun.
 My son is now taking drivers ed class,which I can not believe. Time goes way far too fast. I find that raising my son is far different ,than raising my daughters. He is going through puberty and I am learning how to handle it when boys go through this change. It is a struggle for kids ,who are trying to live for God. A struggle to choose the right way to go , not in the wrong direction. Sometimes they will have to choose the lonely way , not the path of many.
 I sit here and think about when they were all little. I wanted to teach them everything I could to help make their lives successful. I wanted to make sure they were prepared for whatever God had for them. I have seen how God has used my girls and I am amazed. He has opened doors for them all , that I did not even know were there. He is the only one that can lead and guide them anywhere they may go in their lifetime. The hardest thing for me was to let go, but thank God He allowed me to do this little by little. I know I will always be apart of their lives and I am thankful for that.
It was amazing to go to the Honors presentation and to hear about all the wonderful things my daughter did. The professors spoke so highly of her and it made me feel so fulfilled as a home school mom. I did break down and I cried , only once, at least in public.lol
When she received 2 awards for outstanding service, pride overwhelmed me. All those days and nights of hard work really paid off. I see them excel in their classes and life(socially) and know I did exactly what God wanted me to do. Stay the course is what HE told me to do many times, as I questioned am I doing the right thing. You see, I questioned when others told me I was doing way too much. Well, now I can say most definitely I was NOT doing too much, I was listening to God. You see when you excel over others, they want to pull you down to their level instead of them rising up to yours. When you teach your child to go above and beyond at a early age,they will continue to do all throughout their lives. This way of life really does pay off in the end. You will be the one chosen for scholarships, trips, and jobs. 
Train your child in the way they should go.Proverbs 22:6
This goes so much deeper than just spiritually, which is so important. It is every single thing in their life. You are showing them how to act, how to handle people, situations and even money. You are their teacher, their leader and their guide. You are the one to help prepare them for their future.
If we take this responsibility seriously then, when the great things start coming, and they will , you will be able to stand and thank God for letting you know how to raise successful children. You will stand back and be amazed as He lets you reap the harvest for all the seeds you have sown for all the years of your child's life.
I am at the point of change and I hate change. I will embrace whatever God has for me, in this next phase. I will be praying for each parent that reads this and wants to embrace a higher way of teaching. Remember it is lonely at the top. But those who succeed will become  movers and shakers of the world. They will be empowered to change this world for Christ. I stand with each one of you who want to stand up and say" we are more than conquerors, we will train our children to do whatever they do as they are doing it unto God."
comment below if you would like special prayer.Much love until next time, Joanne



  1. Good stuff! Your girls are amazing, and the boy is alright too. Lol. Continue to allow God to direct your path and influence that of your children’s. Others are blessed by your dedication as well. God has given you and extra dose of strength to do all that you do and help as many as you help. You are a champion and a warrior!!! Battle on sister, battle on!!! And prayers are always appreciated :). Much love, Sharon

  2. Sharon, I will continue to pray for God to direct your path. He alone knows what direction you should go. You are an inspiration to me and a dear friend. Love you and aubrie so much. She is going to go to great heights.

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