Thursday, June 20, 2019

I have always had a problem with wanting to have control of everything. This is not a good thing, when you are trusting in God to lead and guide you. HE wants and needs to have full control of your life and that includes every part of it! I have found that I lay my problems down at His feet and before long I pick it up yet again. I ask the Lord why are you not dealing with the problem I laid down at your feet? He always reply's, because you picked it up again. ugh ! I instantly repent and lay it down again. Why do I have such a hard time keeping my problems at His feet? Why can't I leave them alone?  I know He knows best. I know He has all the answers. I realize He will make it all right. So much better than I could ever. But, I still pick them up. I think it is because I want to fix it quickly. I hate waiting. I get so frustrated when I have to wait for anything. I want total success. But I want to see results sooner,rather than later.
This is sometimes a problem when you are homeschooling your children. I found that I had to hold onto the little accomplishments and successes. I had no idea that I would one day feel like I do about my journey. I could not see the end from the beginning, like He can and did. You see you must trust the Lord to help you each step of the way. He is the only one who knows which door we should enter and which door needs to stay closed. He also helps us to endure another day when we think we can not go on for another day. He is our rock, our source of strength, He has to become our everything.If He is our all, then we will always be ready for the next mountain we come to.
AND VICTORY become a reality not a dream.

Homeschool is a great choice for parents to make for their children. It is a choice that will change your life forever. Will everyday be a good day? No! But, it is worth it in the end. We have seen two of my three children become successful in college and we are working on the last one now. Finishing up his academic training for the next level.
I am bewildered at some of the moms I encounter. They ask me how my kids became successful and what can they do to help their children do the same? I take my time to go into detail and share my story with them, thinking they appreciate all that I am saying. HA! Not so much. I have seen so many  people walk away from talking with me to do the opposite and/or ask someone else what they should do.They ask people who just started the journey themselves. They ask people whose children did not even go to college. I do not get it. When I was looking for the answer to how to help my kids to become successful in this home school journey I went to the moms who had children who went to college and they were doing well. But, most importantly I went to God. He helped me know what to do and which way to go.
When you start this journey you are so full of excitement and energy. You question each choice you make and you are afraid you are going to mess your children up. This is a good way to stay. What I mean is , If we accept the responsibility of our children's education and keep it as important as it should be, then we will always be looking for the best route. Not the easy way .but the best way. You see you are your children's teacher, counselor, principle and of course parent. Each day we must wake up and make the choice to go above and beyond for our family. Not because they deserve it,but because we love them and want each one of them to succeed.
Moms have such a demanding life.  Home school moms are always on the job. You can not take a day off or even half a day off. I take every opportunity to teach my kids a lesson or to help them see truth. That to me is the real perk of walking down this road. My children have seen how to deal with others, good and bad, they have experienced what life is really like. What I have seen is that children who don't learn how to deal with others while they are young, have a hard time when they reach adulthood.It is our job to help mold and shape these vessels to be everything God has intended them to be.
Another thing I have found that is a perk of home school is that you start to see exactly who you are. I don't think I ever took time to see me, until I slowed down and started on this journey. When you become real with yourself  and your family,growth in each one of you can take place. It is never easy or quick,it is a journey and will take you to great heights. I saw in me that I judged others quite harshly. I also realized I did not have to say anything, You do not have to respond to others. Even when you are right, let Him fight your battles. The one thing that really changed my life was no matter if I was justified or not, no matter if I was right or not, My family and my relationships are worth more than me winning in the situation. I want God to win, not me. THIS was a life changer for me.When I started allowing Him to win and not me,I saw change in me.I became more loving and kind to others. I actually started to see the other persons point. This has helped me in becoming a better leader.I awake each day and desire to have a pure heart and right spirit.
May each one of you lean on Christ and allow Him to guide you on this wonderful path.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Well, another year has come and gone..... here I sit thinking about all of the changes that have occurred. First of all, my eldest child has graduated college with 2 majors and 2 minors. Both of the girls are now in Europe for 5 weeks. They both received scholarships to be able to go there. Group has ended and now summer has begun.
 My son is now taking drivers ed class,which I can not believe. Time goes way far too fast. I find that raising my son is far different ,than raising my daughters. He is going through puberty and I am learning how to handle it when boys go through this change. It is a struggle for kids ,who are trying to live for God. A struggle to choose the right way to go , not in the wrong direction. Sometimes they will have to choose the lonely way , not the path of many.
 I sit here and think about when they were all little. I wanted to teach them everything I could to help make their lives successful. I wanted to make sure they were prepared for whatever God had for them. I have seen how God has used my girls and I am amazed. He has opened doors for them all , that I did not even know were there. He is the only one that can lead and guide them anywhere they may go in their lifetime. The hardest thing for me was to let go, but thank God He allowed me to do this little by little. I know I will always be apart of their lives and I am thankful for that.
It was amazing to go to the Honors presentation and to hear about all the wonderful things my daughter did. The professors spoke so highly of her and it made me feel so fulfilled as a home school mom. I did break down and I cried , only once, at least in
When she received 2 awards for outstanding service, pride overwhelmed me. All those days and nights of hard work really paid off. I see them excel in their classes and life(socially) and know I did exactly what God wanted me to do. Stay the course is what HE told me to do many times, as I questioned am I doing the right thing. You see, I questioned when others told me I was doing way too much. Well, now I can say most definitely I was NOT doing too much, I was listening to God. You see when you excel over others, they want to pull you down to their level instead of them rising up to yours. When you teach your child to go above and beyond at a early age,they will continue to do all throughout their lives. This way of life really does pay off in the end. You will be the one chosen for scholarships, trips, and jobs. 
Train your child in the way they should go.Proverbs 22:6
This goes so much deeper than just spiritually, which is so important. It is every single thing in their life. You are showing them how to act, how to handle people, situations and even money. You are their teacher, their leader and their guide. You are the one to help prepare them for their future.
If we take this responsibility seriously then, when the great things start coming, and they will , you will be able to stand and thank God for letting you know how to raise successful children. You will stand back and be amazed as He lets you reap the harvest for all the seeds you have sown for all the years of your child's life.
I am at the point of change and I hate change. I will embrace whatever God has for me, in this next phase. I will be praying for each parent that reads this and wants to embrace a higher way of teaching. Remember it is lonely at the top. But those who succeed will become  movers and shakers of the world. They will be empowered to change this world for Christ. I stand with each one of you who want to stand up and say" we are more than conquerors, we will train our children to do whatever they do as they are doing it unto God."
comment below if you would like special prayer.Much love until next time, Joanne


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Why do you home school?
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this question, well I would be rich. LOL
I find it amazing that people really don't know the benefits of home schooling. I had a friend of mine ask me "Can i ask you why you home school your children?' I smiled and replied" I have found that my children can get ahead, I told her how my first daughter graduated with her AA degree before receiving her high school diploma, she is also dual majoring at her university( journalism and political science) and dual minoring ( Spanish and international studies). This will help her to be versatile in finding a job.I then told her how she has been able to get paid internships every summer.(2-Capital Hill,1-Boston,Documentary, 1- CSPAN) I told her how my second daughter just graduated with her AA degree and is now about to start at the university in the fall. She will also be dual majoring and dual minoring.( her first internship is at UWF, learning all about how to run an university) She was amazed! She said jokingly" sign me up." I feel it is our responsibility to help others see home schooling as a smart choice. So many years people have looked at us as we are doing our children a disservice by taking them out of school. If you do it right home schooling is the best option. I repeat IF YOU DO IT CORRECTLY.   We are branded because all of those who choose to treat home schooling as a joke. Well, I had my child take pictures on our vacation, so she gets a photography credit. WHAT?? No, that is not how it should work.  I have tried to make sure my children" go above and beyond" everything that is required. This is one of our motto's we live by.  By living like this, we have had college professors make remarks to my children that they should go home and tell me" Thank You for home schooling them." WOW! If you want this kind of reaction, if you want your child to be more than ready for college and anything that is ahead of them, then push hard now when they are young. Teach them everyday, everywhere! I challenged myself to look for opportunities everywhere I went to pour knowledge in them. I never gave them a choice to learn or not. They always knew that they would be attending college, they did get to choose what they studied and for how long.( Min 4 years). I encourage you all today to find different ways to teach your children. Look for opportunities to share knowledge with them.Let them see learning as a daily thing and as something to be treasured not something that we need to put in a box and pull out only at school time. Make learning FUN! Explore all the possibilities and see how far your child can go in life. Until next time... Joanne

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I have not written in awhile, it is has been a crazy year. But now,summer fun has begun, or really running around like a crazy women has intensified. LOL
  This summer let one of your goals be, focus on what the Lord is telling you to do. I find when I look more to Him and less at me or my problems, then my life gets a lot better and easier. I had been planning our group lessons for awhile, I did not feel like I was done with any of it. Then one night after I had given it all to the Lord, He started pouring ideas in my mind. I am now excited about next year, especially what He is going to teach the children. Every year the Lord gives us a word, this year it is" Team." We are to work as a team and be in unity. It is going to be a great year. One of the classes that will help us obtain this goal is critical thinking skills.  We will all work together to complete a task that is presented to them at the beginning of the class time.(ex. building a bridge out of materials the teacher gives you) (we will have 2 teams competing)

My life is in at a state of constant change. My eldest daughter is a senor at UWF, my youngest daughter is a freshmen there also.(I am super excited they get to be together during this time) My son is a freshmen in high school.( homeschool high school) ugh! I have never been one of those parents who have looked forward to their kids leaving home. I have dreaded that time like ,forever. I treasure my kids and the time I have with each one of them. I am so proud of each one of them. It warms my heart when I hear them say the sayings that I have taught them. I think our favorite one is: Listen and Obey. Another one is Do the right thing, Make good choices ......
These saying have helped shape my children's lives. I received each one of the sayings when i sought the Lord. This is why we need to call on His name and trust that He will answer and help us guide our children in the way they should go.

Don't forget: team work makes the dream work. 

I will be writing more later, if you have any questions please leave a comment below.
Always treasure each moment and enjoy each day that the Lord hath made.

Monday, August 15, 2016

What does it take to become a homeschooling mom?
That is the question of the day.
I am sure you have heard that question a million times as I have. Why do you do it? It would be so much easier to put your children in a public or private school. My answer is.. I have homeschooled my children because I had a desire to help them accomplish all that God desired them to accomplish. Along the way I regrouped and was set on a new track, my vision restored and my desire rekindled. You will not have all of the answers at first. Do not give up! Stay on course till the Lord redirects you. This has been one of the best revelations I have held onto all of these years. It has proven to be the right way to raise my kids and live my life. I have seen many families change their course from year to year. It seemed they never stuck to the same curriculum or way of teaching two years in a row. That way may have worked for them, but for me to stay on the course God placed me and my kids was the way for me to  become successful on my journey. I have known so many homeschooling moms and I can say without any hesitation we are all different. We all have different views of what is important and how to accomplish our goals for our children. One thing it takes to become a successful homeschooling mom is to be.... selfless. You will not make it if you are not willing to give a hundred percent to your family. I can not count the many nights I have stayed up with my kids helping them finish a paper or helping them understand why someone acted in a crazy way. You must put you on the back burner. I do not care what the world may tell you. OH take care of you and then others. Is that what our Father told us to do? Is that the example He showed us? NO! We must eat well and exercise that is true, but if our children need us the workout will wait or not happen today. Life will go on. We only have our children with us for a short time, take each moment as a gift and give it your all. Do everything as you are doing it unto God. You will reap the wonderful harvest in the end.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

When is enough, ENOUGH?
That is the question for the day. I was looking back on my homeschool journey and realized I often thought I was not doing enough. I always wanted my children to have the best education I could give them. I never wanted anything I did or didn't do to hold them back in life. I really never wanted to them to say " if  I only had a better education I could have..." So I made it my mission to educate at all times. I found homeschooling became a way of life not just a school choice. During my early years of homeschooling I had set hours for school time.As years passed I realized life happens and this changed things drastically.  Some days we started at 8 am and others at 2pm. I also embraced teaching them all throughout the day. School did not end when we completed our curriculum. I would look for doors to open to share insight in other things. Let me give you some examples...  I would teach my children how to cook when it was time for dinner or a treat . I found that when we would pass a historical site or when we would watch a documentary this opened the door for discussion. When someone talked about them or me or did something they thought was wrong, this was a great time to teach about how to forgive and how we should handle these kind of  situations. It was also a great time to discuss how to handle things if we were in that same position as the person who upset them. Life situations are the best time to prepare children for the future. So I guess my answer is... it is never enough. Always look for open doors to teach your children all that you can. They are only with you for a season and then they are gone into the world to accomplish great things.